How does it work

How does it work

Easy for use

The game is developed to be simple and is very easy to understand & use.

1. Characters

After sign up the player can select a character to start the game with. Every character has specific skills.

2. Vehicles

Big variety of Vehicles in different Categories. They can be used in the Street Races.

3. Properties

Players can buy properties and then receive income periodically from them.

4. Pets

Pets make the home more beautiful and add different skills to the character.

5. Shop

Players can buy different Items and every item improves the character and helps him in the Fight Arena.

6. Work

Players can go to Work and select the preferred Job to earn money from it.

7. Gym

Players can go to Gym and train their character to improve his skills.

8. School

Players can go to School and improve their character’s intelligence.

9. Bank

Players can protect their money in the local Bank.

10. Hospital

When player has low health it can go to the Hospital to restore its health.

11. Street Races

Players can race against other players to earn additional money, gold and respect.

12. Fight Arena

Players can fight against other player to earn addition money, gold and respect.

13. Leaderboard

Allow the rankings of all players in the game.

14. Resources

Players can purchase additional Money, Gold, VIP Status and other bonuses with real money to improve their presence in the game.

15. Home, Garage, Hangar and Quay Upgrades

Homes, Garages, Hangars and Quays can be upgraded to fit more pets, vehicles, planes and boats in them.

16. (PM) Message System

Players can send private messages to other player and to communicate via this system.

17. Chat System

Live Chat System that connect all players to communicate with each other.

18. Levels

Players can level up as doing different activities and buying different items.

19. Comments Section

Every player has comments section that can be used by other player to write on their walls.